WaGCG : Wantage and Grove Campaign Group
Wantage and Grove Campaign Group (WaGCG)

Column 25th November 2020

The status of the 4,000 homes planned for Grove

Last week I provided an update on the major developments around Wantage, now its Grove’s turn.

In Grove there are 3,785 homes planned in the White Horse District Council Local Plan, 2,500 at Grove Airfield and 1,285 across the north of Grove.

Grove Airfield has been discussed for more than 20 years but outline permission was only agreed in 2017 and building started in 2018.

This whole development (Wellington Gate) is being built by Persimmon with some phases of development being built by Charles Church (part of the Persimmon Group).

The first two parcels (191 and 119 homes) are under construction. Parcel 3a (37 homes) has not been approved yet and Parcel 3b (169 homes) is being designed.

Charles Church is building 55 homes and has submitted an application for 33 homes.

The sports pitch application, including temporary changing rooms, has been submitted and the plans for the first primary school are being developed.

The remaining 1,900 homes, primary and secondary school, community centre and care home remain to be built.

The sites to the north of Grove are being developed by separate construction companies.

The first development to the south and west of Bellingers Garage on the A338 is Grove Meadows (208 homes) built by Bellway and almost complete.

The next approval was Letcombe Gardens, 160 homes between Bellingers and Williams F1 by David Wilson. This is also in progress.

The outline application for the area behind the Bellway development and north of Grove Primary School has been in since 2016 (400 homes for Gallagher and Gleeson) and although approved in principle by the Planning Committee in 2018 still has not been agreed.

Work on the completion of the Northern Link Road from the A338 to the Denchworth Road through these developments doesn’t even seem to be planned yet.

An application for 220 homes to the west of Letcombe Gardens is also under consideration but this is for 105 more homes than included in the Local Plan and doesn’t include the employment land which was supposed to be on this site. 33 residents have objected so far.

The final phase for 400 homes west of the Denchworth Road is still a twinkle in the eyes of the landowner and potential developer.

So nearly 4000 homes are planned in Grove, about 2,000 homes planned or approved in Wantage, as well as over 350 in East and West Hanney and around 200 in East Challow.

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