WaGCG : Wantage and Grove Campaign Group
Wantage and Grove Campaign Group (WaGCG)

Column 1st May 2019

Tell them about the health services we are keen to protect

As I mentioned several weeks ago the Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (OCCG) are reviewing health needs across OX12 as a pilot project for the rest of the County.

As part of this they are looking at all of the clubs, societies and other groups that we attend that benefit our health and wellbeing as well as the NHS services that we use.

The survey to find out where these services are provided and how people get there is available online at http://bit.ly/surveyOX12 with hard copies available in the doctors’ surgeries, Wantage Library, Bretts Pharmacy in Grove, Hanney Community Shop, Letcombe Shop, Hendred Stores and the Beacon. The deadline for completion is 6 May so don’t delay.

Questions 10 - 12 are probably the most important. They talk about how you get to all of the activities and NHS services and what would help you to access these community assets, as well as asking about any services that you would like to have access to and why.

Just to remind you, Wantage Hospital used to provide minor injuries, X-ray, physiotherapy, respite care and rehabilitation services including end of life care, as well as midwife-led maternity.

You could explain how these services, if they had been provided by the hospital, might have affected you differently or could affect you in the future.

You could also talk about other activities which support community life.

We all know how important exercise is to maintaining health and fitness and there are a number of short walks through Wantage and the surrounding area which can be enjoyed with friends and family as the weather improves. Leaflets about the walks are available from the Vale and Downland Museum or can be downloaded from www.wantage.com/walking-cycling/

Wantage Health Walks are organised on Thursday mornings from the Museum, cover about 2 miles and last about an hour.

Wantage Ramblers Walks take place on the third Thursday of the month, starting from outside the Bear Hotel at 10.30 am and covering about 5 miles.

Walks are also organised by the U3A about twice each month. On the second Monday of each month there is a relatively easy stroll of about 2-3 miles, lasting 1-2 hours and on the fourth Saturday a slightly more strenuous walk of about 5-7 miles length at a moderate pace, lasting 2-3 hours.

There are a large number of sports clubs, fitness clubs and exercise classes around the area which provide social contact and exercise to all ages.

So there is no excuse for not making friends and getting fresh air and exercise!

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