WaGCG : Wantage and Grove Campaign Group
Wantage and Grove Campaign Group (WaGCG)

Column 28th December 2022

Annual Update

We drove through OX12 recently to review what has (or hasn’t) happened this year.

First, Featherbed Lane - we’ve been promised a new junction with the A417 and straightening the bends in the Lane but that would require the County to compulsorily purchase some land – no news in 2022.

The ‘Greensands’ development for 65 homes on the right just past the junction was withdrawn in 2021 and hasn’t been resubmitted yet.

As we approach the edge of Wantage, there is the new roundabout - the turn is a little tight for two lines of traffic but we’ll have to wait for the road to open fully to see how it works (now scheduled for late 2023/2024).

On Charlton Road we pass the steps at the end of the Snicket (alley from Mary Shunn Way) – the County Council have now withdrawn their objection to the plans for a sloping path so it might be approved in the New Year.

In the Market Place - still no news of the Town Council Pedestrianisation Plans consulted on earlier in the year.

Up Mill Street and right at the Camel Roundabout into Denchworth Road.

The County Council have said that they will submit a bid to the District Council for the necessary £130k of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding for the upgrade of the crossing outside Fitzwaryn School. If successful, they will add it to the list of schemes to be progressed during the 2023/2024.

The Airplane Roundabout (sadly without an Airplane) has now been completed but the footpath along the road to Grove remains an issue (crossing the road several times).

The ‘Wellington Gate’ development is still without much of the promised infrastructure but has 500 new homes and the narrow cycleway along Newlands Drive is subject to a safety audit.

The Northern Relief Road is still a series of unfinished roads through housing developments.

The application for 300 homes on Tulwick Park to the East of the A338 opposite Bellingers Garage is going to Appeal so once again we are at the mercy of planning inspectors.

North of the railway is the potential site of the Reservoir in the Thames Water draft plans (come to our meeting in Grove Old Mill Hall on 27 January for details).

Back between Wantage and Grove – no new Leisure Centre and no plans for improvements to the existing Leisure Centre but hopefully a Lidl by next Christmas.

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