Newsletter 20 August 2018
It\'s the middle of the school holidays and for a week or so we seem to have a lull in planning activity.
- New Planning Applications:
- Land North of Summertown East Hanney:
Two further amendments were submitted for planning applications on this land between Dews Meadow and East Hanney, firstly amended plans for the application for 50 homes (reference P17/V2904/RM) and secondly amended plans for the application for 55 homes (reference P17/V2972/RM).
- Planning Committee 22 August
The committee will consider application P17/V2973/RM for construction of 45 houses on Land North of Summertown East Hanney. If this is accepted will they also have to consider the other applications for 50 and 55 homes on the same site at future meetings?
- Local Plan Part 2 Examination
The next part of the Hearing starts on 28th August in the Beacon.
- Thames Water Reservoir
Thames Water has announced it will re-consult on changes made to its draft water resources management plan. The consultation on the revised aspects of the proposal is expected to run for approximately eight weeks from the end of September. The revised plans seem to now include a new excuse for building our reservoir as water is needed by another watercompany in the South East (Afinity Water) and Thames want to be able to sell the water from our reservoir to them.
- Wantage Town Council Health Committee
We haven\'t seen copies of any of the letters that the Town Clerk was to write to the Health Bodies as instructed by the Health Committee yet.
- Save Wantage Hospital
We have informed the Chairman of the Oxfordshire Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee that we will all be attending his meeting and he said that he looks forward to welcoming us then and hearing the proposals from the NHS on consultation for the future of the hospital.
Please don\'t forget to write to the Chairmen of these two bodies and tell them what you think should happen to the Hospital
- (Cllr Fatemian, County Hall, New Road, Oxford OX1 1ND - )
- (Dr Collison, Chairman, OCCG, Jubilee House, Oxford, OX4 2LH -
Also the Save Wantage Hospital Group will be providing a coach to take people to the HOSC (Oxfordshire Health, Overview & Scrutiny Committee( meeting and will leave Wantage at 8.45 and pick up in Grove at 9.00 on 20th Sept. If you want a seat on the coach then please contact the Save Wantage Hospital Group by email at to reserve a seat.
They will be also taking a number of cars to the OCCG (Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group) Annual Public Meeting on 27th Sept at 6pm in Jubilee House, Oxford, OX4 2LH and seats can also be booked in the cars by using the same email address Seats on both trips will be allocated on a first come basis.
- Road works
- Delays are possible on the A417 near Crab Hill from 28-30th August for BT ducting work
- Also on the A417 in East Challow opposite the old school from 27-30 August, they will be excavating two trial holes to locate the services before the main works begin. Works will be carried out during the day. At peak times the traffic lights will be operated manually to keep congestion to a minimum.
- Denchworth Road will be closed from 8pm to 6am from the Airplane Roundabout to Camel Roundabout for resurfacing for the rest of this week
- There will be stop-go signs on Grove street between the Sainsbury\'s roundabout to the Garston Lane Crossing for road coring (they don\'t know what is under the road).
- From 20 August to 3 September on Newlands drive by White Horse Crescent they will be digging a trench to provide a power supply to Grove Airfield
- 27-30 August, there will be Water work on Naldertown near the St John\'s Ambulance Hall, so the road may be closed
- 3-21 September on Cane Lane from the junction of Denchworth Road to junction of Brereton Drive, they will be installing approx. 260m of gas main
- The could be stop/go lights on Ham Road on 31 August for road coring (they really don\'t know what is under wantage roads)
- The Market Place in Wantage will be closed for the Autumn Fair on 8 September.
- Slightly further afield: Sutton Courtenay Lane (between Sutton Courtenay High Street and Milton Park) will be closed until 16 November.
That\'s enough for now. Thanks for reading
Best wishes
Julie Mabberley
Campaign Manager
Wantage and Grove Campaign Group
Copyright © 2013-2025 Wantage and Grove Campaign Group