WaGCG : Wantage and Grove Campaign Group
Wantage and Grove Campaign Group (WaGCG)

Newsletter 13 November 2018

  1. The big news at the moment is the second consultation of the Reservoir.
    As you know, it\'s going to cover 4 square miles between East Hanney, Marcham, Steventon and Drayton and be above ground with 25m high banks. See http://www.abingdonreservoir.org.uk/ for the details from the Group Against Reservoir Development (GARD)
    You can submit comments via email to Michael Gove MP at water.resources@defra.gsi.gov.uk please cc: consultations@thameswater.co.uk water-company-plan@environment-agency.gov.uk wrmp@ofwat.gsi.gov.uk and us at admin@wantageandgrove.org
    Things that we have found worth commenting on are:
    1) Thames Water have not explained why they favour the reservoir against the cheaper, less environmentally damaging and much shorter time frame of tranfering water from the Severn Water.
    2) They haven said why they need the reservoir, when it will supply less water than they loose through leakage and correcting the leaks would cost far less than the reservoir, and be far more environmentally friendly.
    3) We don\'t know how many people will be inconvenienced by building the reservoir, both in the short term and finally on completion
    4) What steps they propose in the event of a ‘wall failure’. How many houses will be ‘at risk’ if a failure occurs.
    5) As the reservoir is above ground, what steps they are taking to limit the damage in the event of a ‘wall failure’
    6) We cannot see anywhere an accurate breakdown of costing, reading through there seem to be at least 3 different figures, but I cannot find a ‘grand total - we are left to add up ‘bits and pieces’.!!
    7) Thames Water seem to fail to answer any of the valid queries raised by GARD and others.
    8) It appears that Thames Water don\'t need it to meet the needs of their customers but do want to sell the water to other companies.
  2. Current Planning Applications
    There are no new major developments in the area since the last email but the ones listed below haven\'t been decided yet (to view all planning applications mentioned below please go to our website http://wantageandgrove.org/applications.php and click on the appropriate area - this will show you the current applications for major developments):
    1. Lidl:
      As you know Lidl have submitted an application for a new store between Wantage and Grove. This is on one of the two fields between Grove Traffic Lights and the Mably Roundabout and the entrance will be off the turning to the business park. See P18/V2300/FUL for details.
    2. Elm Farm Business Park:
      The business park on the hill just above where the Lidl Store will be built wants to expand and has submitted an application to extend the park to the north. See P18/V2025/O for details.
    3. Crab Hill:
      There is an application in 82 homes just north of the A417 and east of the new road junction P18/V2227/RM.
      The application for the first 70 homes was granted in November 2017 (P17/V1499/RM).
    4. Park Farm East Challow:
      The Developer who has planning consent for 88 homes on this site has obviously decided that they can squeeze more homes into the site and have applied for 87 homes on about 3/4 of the total site leaving the 27 homes to the West of the site as approved. This means that they will fit 114 homes on this site if this is approved. See P18/V2049/FUL.
    5. Grove Airfield:
      The application is in for the third phase of development 123 homes P18/V1485/RM.
      Applications for 191 homes P17/V2753/RM and 54 homes P18/V0399/RM have already been approved.
  3. Save Wantage Hospital
    There are two important meetings this month:
    - the County Health and Wellbeing Board meets at Jubilee House off Cowley Road on 15 November at 2pm - if you want a lift please let us know.
    - The Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee meets at County Hall on 29th November from 10am - if you want a lift please let us know.
  4. Road works for the next couple of weeks:
    - The traffic lights on the A338 between Garford and the Frilford lights should be gone in a couple of days.
    - Newbury Street and Manor Road will be closed 19 — 23 November for Thames Water works, we\'re not sure how anyone south of the Memorial Park will get into town except with a huge diversion.
    - the road north from West Challow to the A417 will be closed from 26 Nov to 21 Dec while the water main is replaced.
    - traffic lights will continue on the Denchworth Road and Newlands Drive near Cane Lane as services are linked to the Airfield development, they may continue to 14 December.
    - Wallingford Street may have traffic lights at the junction with Little Lane (near Waitrose) from 27 to 29 November.
    - Thames Water will also being repairing the sewer in East Challow between 27 Nov and 3 Dec so beware of traffic lights on the A417.
    - The Camel Roundabout may have temporary lights from 3-5 December for Thames Water.
    - Steventon Road by the old nurseries may be closed on 3 December.
    - Officially the temporary traffic lights on Crab Hill should have been removed (again) so there should be a clear run to Hendred.

That\'s enough for now. Thanks for reading

Best wishes
Julie Mabberley

Campaign Manager
Wantage and Grove Campaign Group

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