WaGCG : Wantage and Grove Campaign Group
Wantage and Grove Campaign Group (WaGCG)

Newsletter 8 February 2019

Please don't forget the Oxfordshire Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy, we have until 9.00am on Monday 20 February to respond. I know it's a statement of the obvious but given the lack of funding for both County Council services and the NHS, I think whey should manage our expectations of what is achieveable.

  1. Oxfordshire Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
    A draft strategy is available on the Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (OCCG) website and there is a link on the front page of our website at http://wantageandgrove.org/ . In summary the strategy focuses on “a Good Start in life, Living Well, Ageing Well and Tackling wider issues that determine health”.
  2. If you have a Mobility Scooter?
    There is a Safety Awareness session for Mobility Scooter and powered chair users on Tuesday 12th February, 2.30 pm at Wantage Fire Station in Ormond Road. Tea and scones/cake to finish. Free of charge and carers welcome. Contact:
    Sue 0776 9875628.
  3. Wantage Hospital
    At the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee a representative of the Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group announced that Physio Therapy Services would be returning to the hospital as soon as possible. That was yesterday! The rumour today is that it won't happen so as usual we will have to wait and see what really happens. Oxfordshire NHS Health Trust is capable of anything!
  4. Planning Applications
    There are a number of planning applications which have not been decided but no new major applications. The next planning committee isn't until 27 February and most of these applications should be discussed before decisions are made.
    1. Crab Hill
      P18/V2992/RM This is the application for 174 homes on a patch called 'Centre West' which is about in the middle of the field, just east (not west as I said last time) of Tom's Field and north of the footpath. 
    2. East Challow
      P18/V3003/DIS This is an application to satisfy the condition that additional visitor parking should be added to the design for 88 homes at Park Farm. At the Planning Committee when the full design was approved the developer announced that up to 32 additional visitor parking spaces could be added yet this application only adds 12 spaces to the original plans for 5 visitor spaces. This is not sufficient.
  5. St Modwen Properties
    At the Crab Hill forum we asked what the loan of £75m to St Modwen Homes from the Government would be spent on and were told that St Modwen "previously had other loan agreements and this money replaces other third party Bank loans to deliver Infrastructure".
    The Government Press release stated that:
    “Expert developer and regeneration specialist St. Modwen Properties PLC is to begin drawing down the funds from the £75 million Homes England infrastructure loan this month – unlocking and accelerating the construction of more than 13,000 new homes across England over the next seven years.
    “The loan, which is part of the Government’s Home Building Fund, will support St. Modwen to speed up the installation of vital infrastructure, such as roads and schools, on a number of sites.
    So we hoped for a step-change in infrastructure delivery - how naive we can be!
  6. Mud on the Road
    The Grove Airfield forum focused heavily on the several accidents caused by mud on the road from the Persimmon development. We have be asked to pass any problems on to the Site managers directly so let us know any details.
  7. Road works for the next few weeks:
    - The A338 north of Wantage remains a problem for the next few weeks:
    1. The traffic lights near Bellingers will be there until 15 March
    2. I haven't seen any sign of the resurfacing due outside the Volunteer and its disappeared from the plans so it may not happen at all
    3. And traffic lights near the Summertown turning in East Hanney from 22 February until 28 February.

- The A417 will have traffic lights for resurfacing works until 22 February between the Lord Nelson and Crab Hill, then from 1st March to 20th May for gas works.
- Challow Road will have traffic lights and closures from 16th to 18th February.
- There will be minor roadworks on Larkdown and Springfield Road until the beginning of May.
- There could be traffic lights on the A417 near the Park Farm Development in East Challow until end of May.
- There could be gas works and water works on Hamfield and West Hill at various times between now and July.
- The A415 Marcham Road from Howard Cornish Road to the A34 will have traffic lights until 19 May 2019 (note revised dates) while SGN replace their pipes.
- Broadway in Uffington will remain closed from Uffington to Dragon Hill Road until 15 February.

Thanks for reading

Best wishes
Julie Mabberley

Campaign Manager
Wantage and Grove Campaign Group


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