Firstly there is a new application for 220 homes at Grove Wick Farm, Station Road, Grove. This outline application is part of the Monks Farm allocation between Grove and the railway and is for the patch to the west of Williams F1.
Local Plan Part 1 specified that the whole Monk's Farm area should have around 885 homes and circa 6 ha of employment land, subject to masterplanning. There is no increase in employment in any of the applications so far but plans for nearly 1000 new homes and there isn't much land left so we're not sure where the employment land will be. Once again we seem to be getting homes but not jobs.
The outline planning application for up to 400 dwellings just to the south and west of Grove Wick Farm and an extension to the Grove CE primary school was recommended for approval on 10 July 2018 but the agreement with the developers has not yet been signed. At the planning meeting last July when it was discussed, Network Rail objected to the development because of the proximity to the level crossings on the footpath and byway and asked for the developers to pay for additional safety measures but these were ignored by the planning committee. We would expect them to do the same with this new application.
Now road news:
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Thanks for reading.
Best wishes
Julie Mabberley
Campaign Manager
Wantage and Grove Campaign Group