Dear [Forename]
Something has just come to our attention about the Tulwick Park Application which we thought you ought to know about -
Following the Council’s refusal of the planning application, the appellant proposes to make some amendments to the proposals including a new framework plan and landscape plan which, whilst being consistent with the application details, present the information in a different way. The appellant has also prepared two new parameter plans which provide greater articulation of the proposals without changing the definition of the development – these include a density parameter plan and a height parameter plan.
These revised plans are not on the Council Website but on a separate website set up by the developers but representations are invited on the amended appeal documentation. Their website is and comments can be submitted on the "Have Your Say" page - Consultation closes on 23rd January 2023. A copy of all comments made will be passed to the Planning Inspectorate and Local Planning Authority as part of the appeal process.
So this is a final chance to tell the inspector what you think of the application.
While I'm here please don't forget that we will be holding a meeting on 27th January in Old Mill Hall, Grove where GARD (Group against Reservoir Development) will present details of the Thames Water Plans including the Mega-Reservoir and how we can oppose them so please put the date in your diary. It will start at 7.30 pm.
Also please comment on the application for an Anaerobic Digestion facility to be built at Grove Farm off Cow Lane near the Sewage works (and the Letcombe Brook) between Grove and East Hanney. Planning Application P22/V2955/FUL ( See our column in the Herald last week or read it here - for a few more details. You can comment until 1 February. It's really not very green (just moving CO2 around).
This application is one of several identical facilities across the country that the Acorn is seeking planning approval for. They have no history of building or operating these kind of facilities but if approved will be laying about about 3.5 hectares of concrete (creating a lot of CO2); creating a lot of large tanks to hold all the silage, farmyard manure, pig slurry and straw as well as the gas, fertiliser and liquid outputs; and then using a large number of HGV lorries, tractors and trailers, and tankers (approximately 10,812 trips each way per year) to get everything in and out of the site.
So if you thought that the number of Earthline lorries at the moment was bad - it's only going to get worse.
And reminders that:
The Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire (BOB) Integrated Care Partnership’s (ICP) has a vision for a set of proposed priorities to support improved health and wellbeing across the county. . You can comment until 29 January.
The County Council is consulting on 20 mph speed limits in many parts of the county. The only ones in OX12 at the moment are Sparsholtand Westcot Sparsholt & Westcot - proposed 20mph speed limit | Let's Talk Oxfordshire and East Hanney East Hanney - proposed 20mph speed limit | Let's Talk Oxfordshire
The proposal to introduce a 20mph speed limit throughout Sparsholt & Westcot, replacing the existing 30mph speed limit in its entirety is open for comments until 5pm on Friday 20 January
The proposal to introduce a 20mph speed limit throughout East Hanney, replacing the majority of the existing 30mph speed limit in the process. The 30mph speed limits will be retained on the A338 Oxford to Wantage road south of its junction with the Steventon Road, and on Steventon Road eastwards of its junction with the A338 - where they will meet the existing 50mph speed limits which will also remain. You can comment until 5pm on Friday 3 February.
I'm sure there are other things I've forgotten but this is definitely enough for today!
Finally don't forget that you can check for any road works which may delay your journey at
Thanks for reading.
Best wishes
Julie Mabberley
Campaign Manager
Wantage and Grove Campaign Group