WaGCG : Wantage and Grove Campaign Group
Wantage and Grove Campaign Group (WaGCG)

Newsletter 8 March 2023

Dear [Forename]

There are several issues at the moment so rather than send out one very long email, I'm going to send out a couple of shorter ones...

First the reservoir again:

The Water Resources South East (WRSE) consultation has closed but you still have time to respond to the consultation on the Thames Water Water Resource Management Plan (WRMP). The deadline for responses to this plan is 20 March. The plan has its own website at https://thames-wrmp.co.uk/

They are only asking a few questions (which I have paraphrased below), but you don't have to answer the questions. As I said in the last email, the important thing is for as many people as possible to send in their comments so that they understand what people think (that means you and every member of your family).

You can email your feedback to both consultation@thames-wrmp.co.uk and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) at water.resources@defra.gov.uk

It's also important to put your response in your own words, but it could be as simple as:
"I don't trust Thames Water to be able to build and maintain a reservoir when they can't fix leaks in existing pipes and we don't need the reservoir anyway because the population forcasts are wrong and it would be much better to get the amount of water we need water from the River Severn" or
"given the amount of raw sewage that you release into the rivers, how are you even qualified to talk about improving the environment?"
"Why do you assume that people in this area won't reduce the water usage to the Government target of 110 litres per day, and why are you sharing scarce water from this area with other parts of the country? - is this just another way of making your customers pay for infrastructure that we don't need here?"
"We don't need the reservoir and we object to you building it to increase your profits at our expense."

I've attached a document produced by GARD which explains more about the issues.

Thames Water questions:

  1. Do you have any comments on our approach to improve the environment?
  2. Do you have any comments on our plan for reducing demand, with government interventions, to achieve 123 litres of water per person per day on average (higher than the government target) or suggestions for additional measures we could take?
  3. Should we plan for additional new sources of water in case the measures to reduce demand for water don't deliver the water we've forecast?
  4. A new reservoir is an integral part of our best value plan for the South East. Do you have any comments on the size of a new reservoir?
  5. Do you have any comments on the new water source options included in our draft plan?
  6. Do you think our draft plan represents the best value plan for you, your community and the environment?
  7. Do you have any other comments on our draft plan?

Thanks for reading.

Best wishes

Julie Mabberley
Campaign Manager

Wantage and Grove Campaign Group


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