WaGCG : Wantage and Grove Campaign Group
Wantage and Grove Campaign Group (WaGCG)

Newsletter 13 June 2023

Dear [Forename]

First - Where Has All The Money Gone? - final details
We are very pleased to announce the speakers for the meeting on 22nd June 2023 at the Wantage Methodist Chapel.

  • Dan Sames - Lecturer in Planning at Oxford Brookes University and a councillor on Cherwell District Council.
  • Simon Hewings - Head of Finance, Vale of White Horse District Council
  • Mark Hewer - Infrastructure and Development Team Leader, Vale of White Horse District Council

They will be speaking on different aspects of funding of infrastructure by developer contributions, including the legal framework, what funds are available for the people of the OX12 area, how do organisations in OX12 go about obtaining funds for their projects.
This main part of the meeting will be preceded by a brief AGM for the WaGCG. In order to allow as much time as possible for our major topic there will be no verbal reports. Reports will be available on our website at https://wantageandgrove.org/agm2023.php and some printed copies will also be available at the meeting. Questions will of course be accepted but we would ask you to keep these brief and to a minimum.

AGM Agenda:
  Chairman’s Welcome
  Minutes of the 2022 AGM
  Treasurer’s Report
  Campaign Manager’s Report
  Election of Committee

If you would be interested in joining the committee it would be helpful if you could let us know in advance by emailing chair@wantageandgrove.org.

As I mentioned last week, the meeting will be a combination of a physical meeting and a zoom meeting, although it will be much harder to join in the discussion via zoom. If you want to watch the proceedings remotely the zoom link is
or Meeting ID: 838 3915 8203, Passcode: 809060
Also if there are any votes in our (very short) AGM you won't be able to vote if you are a remote attendee (via Zoom).

Other items

The application about the snicket (alleyway) in the north east corner of the site between the Mary Shunn Way (Icknield School or King Alfred’s East Site) development and Charlton Road P21/V3349/FUL has finally been approved - now all we have to wait for is Bovis to start the work!

The District Council have a survey about their refuse collection service which you can complete https://survey.southandvale.gov.uk/s/WasteQuestionnaire2023/

Kingsgrove (Crab Hill) have submitted the application for their central park and the proposed zig-zag footpath up the hill pass the allotments on Grove Road P23/V1296/RM. The Central park will include allotments, 3 sports pitches, a sports pavilion, kick about/ amenity space, a Community Orchard, a variety of play areas for different age groups and a skate park. You can submit comments until 5 July.

Also related to the Crab Hill site, the Post-Excavation Archeology Report is now available P23/V1348/DIS - there appears to have been occupation on the site from the late Bronze Age to medieval/post-medieval periods.

Both the application for Phase 5 of the Crab Hill development (145 dwellings) and the application for the new Community Hub will be discussed at the Vale Planning Committee on 21st June at 7pm. You can see the details of the meeting here  and see the officers reports on the applications. You can attend the meeting in person at Abbey House, Abbey Close, Abingdon, OX14 3JE or watch the proceedings live on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTj2pCic8vzucpzIaSWE3UQ

I'm sure that you haven't missed the fact that Grove and Wantage Extravaganza takes place this Saturday at Grove Rugby Club, Recreation Lane, OX12 0FL. It starts at 12.00 and is followed by The Big Picnic 2023 and an Evening Concert from 17.00.

Finally, it is the 75th anniversary of the NHS this year and and the GP Practices are supporting the Wantage Park Run at Grove Fields, Mably Way, OX12 9BN on Saturday 8 July 08:30-10:30 ish so please go to cheer them on. Or take part any saturday see https://www.parkrun.org.uk/grovefields/ for more details.

Also you can read columns from the Herald at https://wantageandgrove.org/columns.php or previous newsletters at https://wantageandgrove.org/newsletters.php and find a list of many of the sports, cultural and community organisations in OX12 at https://wantageandgrove.org/organisations.php

For roadworks see https://one.network/ (although the Mably Way Roundabout traffic lights aren't mentioned so I don't know if they have permission or how long they will be there!)

Thanks for reading.

Best wishes

Julie Mabberley
Campaign Manager

Wantage and Grove Campaign Group


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