WaGCG : Wantage and Grove Campaign Group
Wantage and Grove Campaign Group (WaGCG)

Flood Risk

Flooding has a significant impact on the people and economy of Oxfordshire.  While it is not possible to prevent all possible local flooding, the relevant authorities, local communities and businesses can work together to reduce the risk and minimise the damage it can cause.   

Oxfordshire County Council is the lead Local Flood Authority and has a legal duty under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 to “develop, maintain, apply and monitor” a flood risk management strategy. 

Our local Letcombe Brook is liable to flooding as is the River Thames at Abingdon, but because of the high water table in the area, many of the roads and fields may often have signifcant levels of surface water which isn't shown on the flood risk maps.

To find out what your flood risk is, put your post code into this website checkmyfloodrisk.co.uk.


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