WaGCG : Wantage and Grove Campaign Group
Wantage and Grove Campaign Group (WaGCG)

Newsletter 2 April 2020

Dear [Forename],

The Government has now issued guidance which says that planning committee meetings will be able to be held virtually during restrictions and encouraged local planning authorities to use technology to continue their service and ensure that discussions and consultations can go ahead during the outbreak. So we have no respite there.

Both the Crab Hill Forum and Grove Airfield Forum have been cancelled but we will receive updates on both developments by email and have asked questions of both.
Our question to the Crab Hill Developers was: "What are the implications of the Virus on the timetable for the primary school?" and to Grove Airfield Developers:
"According to the agreement and the phasing plan included in application P17/V3083/DIS, both the Temporary Community Building and the construction of replacement pitches and facilities were supposed to be delivered by occupation of 50 homes. At the last forum we were told that there were 80 occupations as at 20/1/2020 on Persimmon and 15 on Charles Church so can we assume that penalties will be in place as the infrastructure phasing schedule has not been met?"
We wait for the answers.

Many people have contacted us asking why the hospital hasn't been reopened in the current crisis and our County Councillors (Jenny Hannaby, Jane Hanna and Paul Barrow) have written to the Chief Executive of Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust (Stuart Bell) asking why they aren’t using the hospital. I’m waiting for a copy of the letter.
If they don't get a reply quickly then we'll all have to write to both him and David Johnston MP and see if that does any good.

Some people have started to use our discussion forum and topics so far include:

  • Leisure facilities - do we need a learner pool? and how much will it cost to renovate the existing leisure centre properly?
  • Should the builders be working at the moment?
  • What about using our hospital?

To join - all you have to do is use the email address that this email has been sent to and a name (anything you choose) and then you can add comments.

Finally Ray Collins, Wantage Town Council and Wantage Chamber of Commerce have created the Wantage and Surrounding Area Coronavirus Support Group to gather volunteers to "shop and drop", provide "Meals on Wheels", "deliver prescriptions" (marshalling Pharmacy queues) and help the vulnerable and needy in this time of emergency. You can contact the Support Group by telephone on 01235 260033 between 9am - 7pm if you need anything.
Also don't forget that the the Wantage Independent Advice Centre may have closed the office but can still provide advice on a number of topics including benefit entitlement, DLA and PIP applications, Universal Credit, employment rights, consumer rights and debt management on the telephone. They can be contacted on 01235 765348 any time between 10.00 and 3.30 Monday to Friday.

Stay safe and if there is anything we can do to help you then please get in touch.

Thanks for reading,

Best wishes

Julie Mabberley
Campaign Manager

Wantage and Grove Campaign Group

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