WaGCG : Wantage and Grove Campaign Group
Wantage and Grove Campaign Group (WaGCG)

Newsletter 6 April 2020

Dear Geoff,

Just a short traffic update:

Highways England has announced that essential maintenance and safety improvement are currently taking place A34 requiring the A34 northbound carriageway to be fully closed from A4130 Milton interchange (Didcot) to Marcham interchange Abingdon. During the closures diversions signs will be in place via the A4130,A417 Wantage north on the A338 and A420 to rejoin the A34 at Botley interchange. They are aware residents along A417 and Wantage have experienced issues with heavy goods vehicles. They also go on to say due to Covid-19 traffic flows is anticipated to be reduced.

We believe that this work will take place everyday between 20:00 and 06:00 from 6 April 2020 to 9 April 2020 and probably also 21:00 and 06:00 from 15 April 2020 to 18 April 2020.

In addition https://one.network/ shows a Wantage market place closure on 14th April and the A417 at Ardington closed from 14th – 19th April. We can't find out if  these closures still taking place.

Stay safe and if there is anything we can do to help you then please get in touch.
Thanks for reading,

Best wishes

Julie Mabberley
Campaign Manager

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