First, a reminder that the postponed AGM will be held via Zoom on Wednesday, April 28th at 7:30pm.
The link is:
The following details should only be needed if connecting through a browser: Meeting ID: 957 2908 5682 and Passcode: 143232.
If you are interested in joining the committee then please let us know by Tuesday at 5pm
Welcome by Chairman, Geoff Rice.
Approval of Minutes of 2019 AGM by Poll, and any questions arising. (Minutes attached)
Finance Report presented by Treasurer, Trevor Croft, Treasurer, and any questions arising. Approval of Accounts by Poll. (Accounts attached)
Thanks to retiring members
Names of those standing for committee and approval of nominations by Poll
Invitation to anyone else interested to be considered for co-option by the committee
Campaign Report presented by Campaign Manager, Julie Mabberley
Question and Answer Session conducted by Julie Mabberley
Secondly, the Oxfordshire Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (HOSC) which took place last week.
One of the items on the agenda was the evaluation of the OX12 project which looked at the health and care needs of the residents of OX12 back in 2019 and was supposed to come up with recommendations. It didn’t. So another project on a similar topic is about to start across the County. See for details and to comment on what they are going to do.
At the meeting, there was a discussion about the future of the in-patient beds in Wantage Community Hospitals (still temporarily closed) and as the 2019 project didn't come up with recommendations and we'll have to wait until the new project does, it looks as though the beds will remain temporarily closed for at least another two years.
I’ll give more details at the AGM.
Best wishes
Julie Mabberley
Campaign Manager
Wantage and Grove Campaign Group