WaGCG : Wantage and Grove Campaign Group
Wantage and Grove Campaign Group (WaGCG)

Newsletter 24 January 2024

Dear [Forename]

I know it's still January and I've already sent out an update this month but there are things that you need to know about.

First let's get Wantage Hospital out of the way. The temporary closure of the inpatient beds will be made permanent. The NHS national policy is to get as many people home as possible and Oxfordshire are following that policy. The good news is that they say they are committed to keeping the Wantage Community Hospital open but aim to continue to use it for mid-wife led maternity and outpatient services. As there is currently about £600,000 of CIL money for health services in the Vale, they hope to use that money to revamp the hospital to make it possible to have more services (like the ophthalmology appointments) in Wantage rather than us having to travel to Headington.

Second, the Reservoir. Our MP (David Johnston) appears to have joined CPRE and the Councils in the call for a Public Inquiry although I can't find a mention to it anywhere. Given that (even with all the rain) Thames can't fill Farmoor reservoir because there is too much sewage and silt in the Thames, where are they going to get the water from for an new, much larger, reservoir?
If you also believe that a Public inquiry is necessary to stop Thames Water wasting our money, then please write to the Secretary of State for DEFRA, the Rt Hon Steve Barclay at the House of Commons. stephen.barclay.mp@parliament.uk
As CPRE say in their letter, the Thames plan for the reservoir has many unresolved issues and should be subject to a public inquiry.

Now the Joint Local Plan.  The Joint Local Plan is Out and you can access it at https://theconversation.southandvale.gov.uk/jlp/. You can also go along to the Beacon on Wednesday 31st January to a drop-in event from 11-4pm (sorry to those who will be at work but all of the drop-in sessions around the district are during the working day). Comments can be submitted until midnight on Wednesday 21st February.
The brief synopsis is that by changing the way that they calculate housing need since the last local plans, they have reduced the number of new homes required so that, with the exception of Dalton Barracks and the area between the Grove Airfield development and the Denchworth Road (both of which we knew about), no other "Major" sites will be required in the Vale. This doesn't mean that smaller sites won't come forward (and there are plenty of opportunities around here) but they aren't specifically included in this stage of the plan.
The Plan includes lots of policies about zero carbon development but it is unlikely that any of these will apply to sites which already have outline permission (including Crab Hill and Grove Airfield).
They also want to increase the proportion of affordable homes on new developments to 50% but once again it is unlikely that this will apply to sites which already have outline permission (including Crab Hill and Grove Airfield) and more affordable homes means less money for infrastructure to go with the new homes - so which do you prefer?
There are over 100 policies all together so lots to review if you are interested but no leisure strategy as yet... Without that we are still waiting for the justification for improvements to leisure facilities around here.

If you know anyone with Learning Difficulties then you can find out more about what is happening in the area by going to meet the Community Catalysts at the Down to Earth Cafe (in what used to be Stirlings Day Centre) on Wednesday 31 January from 11-2pm. Or by contacting Anita Wingad at a.wingad@communitycatalysts.co.uk or 07341 425126.

Then Planning Issues:
Thames Water have resubmitted their plans for a Clay Compaction Trial P23/V2559/FUL. These trials will only go about 2m below the ground level and create banks 3.15m high so won’t provide any realistic evidence of what the true banks around the reservoir will be. It’s also only a 12-month trial so given the variability of our weather won’t provide much useful information about the seasonal impact of the weather. During the peak of the work on the trial there could be a weekday movement of 120 HGV’s plus other vehicles! - another reason for that public enquiry!
There are also a number of plans for Solar farms in the area of Denchworth including one which is the size of 76 football pitches, and over
4 times the size of Denchworth village. If you want to know more then please contact Richard at denchworthparishmeeting@gmail.com
The Monks farm application P23/V1198/S73 to determine how many homes can be built before the bridge over Letcombe Brook is planned or built, goes to the Planning Committee this evening. You don't have to go in person but can watch on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTj2pCic8vzucpzIaSWE3UQ
Other applications include Lidl P23/V2709/S73 wanting to enlarge the new planned store near the Mably Roundabout and the new secondary school on Grove Airfield P23/V1928/RM.

The Local Government Boundary Commission wants to hear what residents and organisations think about the Vale of the White Horse Wards. A ten-week consultation inviting proposals will run until 18 March 2024. This is not the Oxfordshire-wide Consultation on the distribution of County Councillors which took place in November/December 2023 but a separate (but overlapping) consultation on District Council voting areas. Go to https://www.whitehorsedc.gov.uk/democracy/have-your-say-on-a-new-political-map-for-vale-of-white-horse-district-council/ We might expect the Wantage and Grove Councillors to want to sort out the overlaps where parish boundaries don't match voting boundaries but see what you think.

Primary Care
The Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board (BOB ICB) has published its draft Primary Care Strategy which highlights their ambitions for the future of general practice, community pharmacy, optometry (eye care) and dentistry across BOB.
The draft strategy has been developed with the support of health and care partners and local people with the aim of improving access to these services, delivering more personalised care especially for patients with complex needs, and preventing people from becoming unwell.
You can share your views about these ambitions in the draft strategy via a new online survey on their engagement platform at: https://yourvoicebob-icb.uk.engagementhq.com/primary-care-strategy  – your opinions will further inform and shape the draft strategy.”

Finally, the Times recently reported a "shocking variation in energy rates" paid by the public sector. Vale of White Horse council paid the highest rate of any council in the country for gas last year at 28.2p per kWh, while Denbighshire council, in Wales, paid the least at 2.4p. Something to think about when you get your council tax demand.

As you know, you can read previous newsletters at https://wantageandgrove.org/newsletters.php and find a list of many of the sports, cultural and community organisations in OX12 at https://wantageandgrove.org/organisations.php
For roadworks see https://one.network/.

Thanks for reading.

Best wishes

Julie Mabberley
Campaign Manager

Wantage and Grove Campaign Group


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