WaGCG : Wantage and Grove Campaign Group
Wantage and Grove Campaign Group (WaGCG)

Newsletter 23 May 2024

Dear [Forename]

This is just short update to remind you of a few things from the last newsletter.

If you want to know more about Chronic Kidney Disease then Newbury Street Patient Group are hosting a Zoom talk entitled What is it? How do I know I’ve got it? What can I do about it? in which Dr Ladd will be talking about Chronic Kidney Disease and Diabetes. The talk will be held tonight, 23 May at 7.30pm, https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86953654212?pwd=6rpkjGMscnEySktzhUVWy5R9J1NMZQ.1 Meeting ID: 869 5365 4212 Passcode: 486400

Please sign the petition https://you.38degrees.org.uk/p/stopTWreservoir to ask The Secretary of State for the Environment to stop Thames Water’s costly mega-reservoir plans and fix the leaks. Please follow the link and sign the petition and get all of your family and friends to do the same. There are only about 1600 signatures at the moment and by the time the election is done and we have a new Secretary of State, we'd like to double that.

The summer version of the Joint (Church Street and Newbury Street) Patients Newsletter is now available, you can see it on the practice websites https://www.newburystreetpractice.co.uk/ppg-newsletters or pick up a copy in many of the local shops or libraries.

The Wantage Carnival takes place on 9 June from 11am and Grove Extravaganza on 15th June from noon to midnight. Grove Parish Council are sponsoring an Art Competition at the Extravaganza to commemorate D-day (6 June 1944) with prizes totalling £500. There are 5 age categories from under 5's to Key Stage 4 and more details can be obtained from the Parish Council. Entires have to be submitted by noon on 31 May so when it's a wet bank holiday, you can get creative!

We will not be sending any more emails out until after the elections (unless it's something very urgent) as we are non-political and don't want to influence your vote, but if any of the candidates in the election come knocking on your door, please ask them about the infrastructure that we need in OX12. These include: improvements to leisure/sports; funding for schools, pre-schools and nurseries: roads, footpaths and cycle paths; Grove Station, social services, and the NHS etc. Also ask them for their views on the reservoir plans.

Thanks for reading.

Best wishes

Julie Mabberley
Campaign Manager

Wantage and Grove Campaign Group


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