WaGCG : Wantage and Grove Campaign Group
Wantage and Grove Campaign Group (WaGCG)

Newsletter 18 December 2024

Dear [Forename]

I can't believe that it's 2 months since the last update. I'm sorry for the delay but can only plead that I haven't been well but are feeling better now.

I hope that you and your families are healthy and happy for the holidays.

I'm taking the opportunity to make this update my holiday message for Christmas and the New Year. Let's hope that there is more good news next year!

The Joint Local Plan has been submitted for inspection to the Government Planning Inspectors. It was just in time. It was submitted on 11 December and the changes to the National Planning Policy Framework and Planning guidance were issued by the Government on 12 December (see later for more details). This may mean that the examination uses the old planning law (the housing need for the Vale was 633 new homes per year but from 12 December it is now 949 per year so over the life of the plan that's approximately 5,000 additional homes that have to be built). Given the amount of Oxford Green Belt and AONB (now National Landscape) in the Vale where house building will be restricted, that will inevitably mean more housing around us which will put even more pressure on our very limited public services.
Let's hope the plan goes through without major changes.

Wantage Leisure Centre renovations. The plans for the de-carbonisation of the Leisure Centre have been approved. This includes the supply and installation of air source heat pumps, new double glazing, solar PV, and external wall insulation. The Vale suggests that the swimming pool changing rooms will be rennovated next year (about time too), but we don't have any details and there is no mention of the learner pool which we have been promised for at least 10 years since the Lib Dems were last in power.

Finally some good news! The Charlton By-pass (King Alfred Way - not King Alfred's Way - the 217 mile cycle route round Wessex but the Wantage Eastern Relief Road) is now open. It does appear to be causing some problems with traffic not being able to leave Wantage along the A338 when there are a lot of vehicles on the By-pass but I'm sure it's better than a grid-lock in the town centre.

And some bad news. The Kingsgrove Development on Crab Hill was supposed to have all the leisure facilities that residents would need (a woodland walk, sports pitches, children's play areas, a community hub, a cafe and of course a Public House). BUT despite some marketing of the site by the developers no-one wanted to build a new pub so plans for yet another retirement apartment block were submitted.
These were turned down by the District Council but the developers have appealed and I believe there is a strong chance that they will win the appeal.
Looking at this from a community point of view, which is worse? - A pub which could encourage people to drink alcohol or a retirement community which will put even more pressure on our local health services. Perhaps we should be encouraging someone to submit an application for a pub with retirement apartments above it?

More bad news. A few weeks ago, there was a little known consultation by the County Council about the introduction of a Raised Table traffic calming feature at the Denchworth Road/The Maples/Barley Way junction, in Grove. This is a very controversial junction which is where the David Wilson development to the west of the Letcombe Brook on Monks Farm has (what should be a temporary) access to the Dechworth Road.
33 responses were received, comprising of: 21 objections (64%), 4 partially supporting (12%), 4 in support (12%), and 4 not objecting (12%. So you would think that as we live in a democracy, the proposal would be refused but no, in common with all highways decisions, our County Council knows best and has approved the application.

As the Government has recently announced that it wants to do away with District Councils and give all their powers to the Unitary Authority (probably Oxfordshire County Council), this type of decision making with no reference to the views of the local residents could become the norm. In all highways decisions, the view is based on what would be best for Oxford City (limited parking, lots of buses, etc) not what is needed in rural communities which make up the larger part of the county.

No more bad news about the reservoir yet! The decision about the reservoir is partially involved with who owns and runs Thames Water. In the last few days, Thames Water has won court approval to a hearing intended to secure creditor approval scheduled for four days in the first week of February for securing a £3bn emergency loan which is likely to cost each of us about £250 per year in interest payments. This is before they look for an even bigger loan to pay for the reservoir. Our Governments all seem to like large infrastructure projects (HS2 for example) but seem to be incapable of managing them to time and budget so I'm not hopeful about the reservoir project.

Anyway, the final message of the month is Health. Our newly extended Health Centre is full, with all consulting rooms in use. So please use the health services properly.

  • Life threatening conditions such as severe chest pain, suspected stroke, breathing difficulties or unconsciousness should be handled by Accident and Emergency departments or by ringing 999
  • Minor illnesses, headache, stomach upsets, bites and stings, skin rashes etc. can all be treated by our pharmacies
  • Deep cuts, broken bones, severe sprains, minor burns or scalds, and minor sports injuries should be treated at the Minor Injuries Unit at Abingdon open 10.00am to 10.30pm 7 days a week
  • Acute & chronic problems with physical & mental health should be dealt with in the GP Surgeries
  • But when you need advice or medical treatment quickly & you can’t wait for an appointment to see your doctor ring 111 or go to https://111.nhs.uk/

It's probably time we started to campaign for a further extension to our Health Centre to cope with even more new residents in the future - it took more than 12 years to get the last one built so now would be a good time to start.

For details of all roadworks around the country - see https://one.network/.
You can read previous newsletters at https://wantageandgrove.org/newsletters.php and find a list of many of the sports, cultural and community organisations in OX12 at https://wantageandgrove.org/organisations.php

Thanks for reading.

Best wishes and happy holidays

Julie Mabberley
Campaign Manager

Wantage and Grove Campaign Group


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