at least 5% of the investment should be made in Wantage and Grove so this should have been a key document.
Unfortunately little if any of the plan is relevant to our area and our comments were ignored.
Wantage and Grove are providing over 5% of the new homes required for Oxfordshire (based on the figures in the Strategic Economic Plan) and the only improvements we are promised is a partial ring road and a few minor road improvements (traffic lights etc.).
The Oxfordshire Strategic Economic Plan is supposed to justify the requirement for 93,560 to 106,560 new homes by 2031 and to provide, among other things:
If we are providing at least 5% of the housing required across Oxfordshire, why don’t we see at least 5% of the investment being made in Wantage and Grove?
How long do we have to put up with the lack of funding in Wantage and Grove?
As part of Oxfordshire 2050, the County are preparing a Local Transport & Connectivity Plan and have recently completed a second consultation on the draft strategy.