WaGCG : Wantage and Grove Campaign Group
Wantage and Grove Campaign Group (WaGCG)

Grove Airfield Expansion

In Local Plan Part 2, the area north of the Grove Airfield Development was included as a site for 400 homes. Persimmon Homes have now submitted an outline application to build a minimum of 530 homes on the site. The application is available at Application P20/V3113/O.

The plan shows were the site will be.
Grove Airfield Expansion
Or can be accessed on a separate tab here).

This is an application from Persimmon to build at least 531 (possibly up to 700) homes between the northern edge of the Grove Airfield development and the Denchworth Road.

Our first comment is that they say they held a public consultation but they didn't even speak to the Grove Airfield Forum members (including us) and their website consultation only received 31 comments so we don't think they tried very hard....

Also this application assumes that all homes will still be heated by gas boilers and doesn't say anything about increasing the energy efficiency of the homes. Given that the District Council has declared a climate emergency we would have hoped for at least some movement towards zero carbon homes and this seems like a perfect opportunity!

Further comments will follow...

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