David Wilson Homes submitted an outline application
for 300 homes on the east side of the A338 near Williams
This was rejected by the District Council on the grounds that the proposal is
contrary to the adopted Vale of White Horse Local Plan 2031.
This image can be accessed on a separate tab here).
The Appeal has been dismissed. The grounds given were that the scheme would fall outside the settlement boundary of Grove and the harm to the landscape and countryside would significantly outweigh the benefits of the additional housing provision. The appeal decision letter is available here.
The developers asked for advice from the District Council prior to submitting their application and received the following advice:
Grove Parish Council objected to the application. They have resolved to oppose any application on the East side of the A338 as they believe that this is too far from the infrastucture in the village to be sustainable.
See our Wantage and Grove Map for detailed locations.